Poddębice (13.06.2017)

Objective: Summary Conference of the Project
Duration: 1 day
Planned date:  13th of June 2017
Planned program in brief: presentation of the study visits, including summary of geothermal possibilities in Poland (general insight) and summary of geothermal possibilities in Town Poddębice

Participants from Icelandic side:

  • Baldur Petursson – international projects’ manager, National Energy Authority
  • Óska Pétur Einarasson – expert, geothermal engineering, National Energy Authority

Participants from Polish side:

  • Beata Kępińska – MEERI PAS, project manager
  • Leszek Pająk – expert, MEERI PAS, RES Dept.
  • Wiesław Bujakowski - MEERI PAS, head of RES Dept.
  • Marek Hajto – expert, AGH UST Kraków
  • Anna Sowiżdżał – adiunkt, AGH UST Kraków
  • Piotr Sęczkowski – mayor of Poddębice Town
  • Anna Karska – Geotermia Poddębice Sp. z o.o., chairman
  • Andrzej Peraj – Geotermia Poddębice Sp. z o.o., vice-chairman

delegates from Ministry of the Environment and NFEP&WM, decision makers, LAs, others

  • Marcin Mazurowski - deputy director, Department of Geology and Geological Concessions, Ministry of the Environment
  • - councellor, National Fund for Environment Protection &Water Management, Department of Foreign Funds, National Fund for Environment Protection & Water Management
  • representatives of various Polish companies, local authorities and others

Program Konferencji podsumowującej Projekt EOG
„Potencjał dla wykorzystania energii geotermalnej w Polsce – Poddębice”
Agenda of Summary Conference - Project EEA
„Geothermal energy utilization potential in Poland – Poddębice”

13 czerwca 2017 r., Poddębice, Pałac Grudzińskich, ul. A. Mickiewicza 9
13th of June 2017, Poddębice, Grudzinskis’ Palace, A. Mickiewicza 9 Str.


09.00 – 09.30 Przejazd z hotelu do miejsca Konferencji
Transfer from hotel to Conference venue
09.00 – 10.00 Rejestracja uczestników Konferencji
Registration of Conference participants
10.00 – 10.20 Rozpoczęcie Konferencji, wystąpienia gości
Conference opening, guests’ speeches
Sesja wprowadzająca
Introductory session
10.20 – 10.40 Projekty geotermalne w Europie finansowane przez EOG/NMF – Baldur Petursson (NEA)
Geothermal projects in Europe funded by EEA/NFM – B. Petursson (NEA)
10.40 – 11.10 Rozwój geotermii w ciepłownictwie w Polsce z perspektywy Ministerstwa Środowiska – M. Mazurowski (Min. Środowiska DGiKG), P. Bogusz (Min. Środowiska, DFE)
Geothermal heating development in Poland from the perspective of the Ministry of Environment – M. Mazurowski (Ministry of Environment, DG&GC), P. Bogusz (Ministry of Environment, DEF)
11.10 – 11.30 Finansowanie geotermii w Polsce ze środków krajowych i zagranicznych, w tym EOG/ NMF – B. Kuś (NFOŚiGW w Warszawie)
Financing geothermal projects in Poland by state and foreign sources, including EEA /NFM
– B. Kuś (National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFEP&WM))
11.30 – 11.50 Wykorzystanie geotermii w ciepłownictwie sieciowym w Islandii – O.P. Einarsson, B. Petursson (NEA)
Geothermal energy uses for district heating in Iceland – O.P. Einarsson, B. Petursson (NEA)
11.50 – 13.45 Wizytacja obiektów planowanych do wykorzystania geotermii w Poddębicach i okolicy. Przerwa na lunch
Visiting objects planned for geothermal energy uses in Poddębice and surroundings. Lunch break
Sesja prezentująca wyniki Projektu EEA / Session presenting the EEA Project results
13.45– 14.10 Projekt EEA „Potencjał dla wykorzystania energii geotermalnej w Polsce – Poddębice”: wprowadzenie –B. Kępińska (IGSMiE PAN)
Project EEA ”Geothermal energy utilisation potential in Poland – Town Poddębice” – introduction B. Kępińska (MEERI PAS)
14.10 – 14.30 Energia geotermalna w Poddębicach: obecny stan i plany wykorzystania – P. Sęczkowski (Burmistrz Poddębic), A. Karska, A. Peraj (Geotermia Poddębice Sp. z o.o.)
Geothermal energy in Poddebice: current state and development plans – P. Sęczkowski (Mayor of Poddębice), A. Karska, A. Peraj (Geotermia Poddebice Ltd.)


14.30 – 14.50 Złoże wód geotermalnych w Poddębicach – M. Hajto, A. Sowiżdżał (AGH)
Geothermal reservoir in Poddebice – M. Hajto, A. Sowiżdżał (AGH-UST)
14.50 – 15.20 Symulacja poziomu wody geotermalnej w trakcie jej wydobywania z otworu Poddebice GT-2 na podstawie modelowania programem Lumpfit – H. Tulinius, G. Þorgilsson (NEA), M. Hajto (AGH)
Simulation of geothermal water level during production from Poddębice GT-2 well based on
a Lumpfit parameter modelling – H. Tulinius, G. Þorgilsson (NEA), M. Hajto (AGH-UST)
15.20 – 15.50 Geotermalna sieć grzewcza w Poddębicach – wybrane zagadnienia wstępnego studium wykonalności – O.P. Einarsson (NEA), L. Pajak, W. Bujakowski (IGSMiE PAN), A. Karska, A. Peraj (Geotermia Poddębice Sp. z o.o.)
Geothermal district heating in Poddębice – selected topics of pre-feasibility study – O.P. Einarsson (NEA), L. Pajak, W. Bujakowski (IGSMiE PAN), A. Karska, A. Peraj (Geotermia Poddębice Ltd.)
15.50 – 16.10 Przerwa na kawę / Coffee break
16.10 – 16.30 Rekomendacje dalszego optymalnego rozwoju wykorzystania energii geotermalnej w Poddębicach w ciepłownictwie sieciowym i w innych celach – O.P. Einarsson, H. Tulinius, G. Þorgilsson, B. Petursson (NEA), L. Pająk, B. Kępińska, W. Bujakowski (IGSMiE PAN), M. Hajto, A. Sowiżdżał (AGH), A. Karska, A. Peraj (Geotermia Poddębice Sp. z o.o.)
Recommendations for optimal further geothermal district heating and other uses’ development in Poddebice – O.P. Einarsson, H. Tulinius, G. Þorgilsson, B. Petursson (NEA), L. Pająk, B. Kępińska, W. Bujakowski (IGSMiE PAN), M. Hajto, A. Sowiżdżał (AGH), A. Karska, A. Peraj (Geotermia Poddębice Ltd.)
16.30 – 16.50 Propozycje realizacji projektów geotermalnych w Polsce z funduszy EOG /NMF w nadchodzących latach – B. Kępińska (IGSMiE PAN), B. Petursson (NEA)
Proposals for geothermal projects’ realisation in Poland supported by EEA/NFM in the coming years – B. Kępińska (MEERI PAS), B. Petursson (NEA)
16.50 – 17.30 Dyskusja podsumowująca
Summary discussion
17.30 Zakończenie Konferencji
Conference closure

Reykjavik (24-28.04.2017)

Objective: visiting best practices of geothermal space heating and other uses
Duration: 5 days
Planned date:  24-28th of September 2017
Planned program in brief: visiting best practices of geothermal space heating and other uses, getting knowledge on Icelandic activities and achievements in geothermal and energy sector & contacts with relevant stakeholders to provide opportunities for future cooperation and project developments

Participants from Icelandic side:

  • Jónas Ketilsson - Deputy Director General, National Energy Authority
  • Baldur Petursson – international projects’ manager, National Energy Authority
  • Jón Ragna Gudmundsson – engineer, National Energy Authority
  • Helga Tulinius – expert, geothermal resources, National Energy Authority
  • Óska Pétur Einarasson – expert, geothermal engineering, National Energy Authority
  • Sveinn K. Einarsson – specialist of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs Iceland
  • Alicja Wiktoria Stokłosa - project manager of Geothermica
  • Málfríður Ómarsdóttir - editor of UNU GTP - Environmental Specialist
  • Hannes Ottósson - project manager innovation Centre, Iceland
  • the representatives of Icelandic companies: Jarðboranir, Verkís, Mannvit, Efla and others

Participants from Polish side:

  • Beata Kępińska – MEERI PAS, project manager
  • Leszek Pająk – expert, MEERI PAS, RES Dept.
  • Marek Hajto – expert, AGH UST Kraków
  • Piotr Sęczkowski – Mayor of Poddębice Town
  • Anna Karska – Geotermia Poddębice Sp. z o.o., chairman
  • Andrzej Peraj – Geotermia Poddębice Sp. z o.o., vice-chairman

delegates from Ministry of the Environment and NFEP&WM

  • Marcin Mazurowski - deputy director, Department of Geology and Geological Concessions, Ministry of the Environment
  • Piotr Bogusz - deputy director, Department of the Ecological Fund, Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of the Environment
  • Wojciech Łysik - minister's councellor, Department of the Ecological Fund, Ministry of the Environment
  • Marek Dec - expert, Department of Raw Material Policy and Analyses, Ministry of the Environment
  • Edyta Kuźminska - councellor, National Fund for Environment Protection &Water Management, Department of Foreign Funds, National Fund for Environment Protection & Water Management

Poddębice (05-09.09.2016)

Objective: evaluation of geothermal potential for district heating in Poland and specially in Poddębice town
Duration: 5 days
Planned date: 05-09th of September 2016
Planned program in brief: cognition and evaluation of the potential for geothermal district heating in Poland, especially in Poddębice town; gathering information to elaborate a pre-feasibility study assessment of geothermal for heating in Poland and especially in Poddębice.

Participants from Icelandic side:

  • Baldur Petursson –  international projects’ manager, National Energy Authority
  • Jón Ragna Gudmundsson –  engineer
  • Helga Tulinius –  expert, geothermal resources
  • Óska Pétur Einarasson – expert, geothermal engineering

Participants from Polish side:

  • Beata Kępińska – MEERI PAS, Project manager
  • Leszek Pająk – expert, MEERI PAS, RES Dept.
  • Marek Hajto – expert, AGHUST Kraków
  • Piotr Sęczkowski – Mayor of Poddębice Town
  • Anna Karska – Geotermia Poddębice Sp. z o.o., chairman
  • Andrzej Peraj  – Geotermia Poddębice Sp. z o.o., vice-chairman

representatives of National Fund for Environment al Protection and Water Management, Ministry of Environment